

What is the role of sound in DH?

Clement, Tanya. 2016. The Ground Truth of DH Text Mining Debates in the Digital Humanities http://dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu/debates/text/96

Ceraso, Steph. ‘Sound’ Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities https://digitalpedagogy.mla.hcommons.org/keywords/sound/

Emily Thompson and Scott Mahoy. “The Roaring Twenties: an interactive exploration of the soundscape of New York City” Vectors Fall 2013. http://vectors.usc.edu/projects/index.php?project=98&thread=AuthorsStatement

Jentery Sayer “Making the perfect record: From inscription to impression in early magnetic recording. American Literature (volume 85, number 4, December 2013) http://scalar.usc.edu/maker/record/index

Graham, S. 2016 ‘The Sound of Data (a gentle introduction to sonification for historians)” The Programming Historian https://programminghistorian.org/lessons/sonification

Murphy, D., Shelley, S., Foteinou, A., Brereton, J. and Daffern, H. 2017 Acoustic Heritage and Audio Creativity: the Creative Application of Sound in the Representation, Understanding and Experience of Past Environments, Internet Archaeology 44. https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.44.12

Ruten, Daniel. 2017 ‘Sonic Word Clouds’ The Programming Historian https://programminghistorian.org/posts/sonic-word-clouds

Eve, Stuart, Kerrie Hoffman, Colleen Morgan, Alexis Pantos and Sam Kinchin-Smith 2014 ‘Voices Recognition’ http://www.heritagejam.org/jam-day-entries/2014/7/12/voices-recognition-stuart-eve-kerrie-hoffman-colleen-morgan-alexis-pantos-and-sam-kinchin-smith

Talon, T. A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voice The New Yorker, Sept 3 2019


Data Driven DJ https://datadrivendj.com/

Listent to Wikipedia http://listen.hatnote.com/


Youtube-DL: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/

Videogrep: automatic supercut generator with python http://lav.io/2014/06/videogrep-automatic-supercuts-with-python/

Musicalgorithms: http://www.musicalgorithms.org/3.2/

Glitch, Music https://glitch.com/music

Recurrent Neural Network to create music - an example https://electricarchaeology.ca/2016/02/18/mancis-the-poet-or-what-you-get-when-you-feed-cape-breton-fiddle-tunes-into-a-recurrent-neural-network/

Cover Image Alexey Ruban, Unsplash