

The road goes forever onwards…

Blades, Rob. ‘Pembroke Soundscapes’ http://pembrokesoundscapes.ca/

Digital Atlas of Egyptian Archaeology https://github.com/msu-anthropology/daea

Drucker, J. “Humanities approaches to graphical display” DHQ 2011.5 http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/5/1/000091/000091.html

Eve, S. 2012. Augmenting Phenomenology: Using Augmented Reality to Aid Archaeological Phenomenology in the Landscape. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 19.4 (2012) pp. 582-600 DOI: 10.1007/s10816-012-9142-7 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10816-012-9142-7

Eve, S. 2017 ‘The Embodied GIS. Using Mixed Reality to explore multi-sensory archaeological landscapes, Internet Archaeology 44. https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.44.3

Gibbs, Fred. ‘Digital Mapping and Geospatial Humanities’. http://fredgibbs.net/courses/digital-mapping/

Guldi, J. “The Spatial Turn” http://spatial.scholarslab.org/spatial-turn/

Nowviskie, Bethany 2010. ‘Inventing the Map’ in the Digital Humanities: a Young Lady’s Primer. Poetess Archive Journal 2.1 (2010) https://journals.tdl.org/paj/index.php/paj/article/view/11

Scheidel, Walter. 2014.‘The shape of the Roman world: modelling imperial connectivity’, Journal of Roman Archaeology 27 2014), 7-32 (see also with Elijah Meeks ‘ORBIS: the Stanford geospatial network model of the Roman world’, orbis.stanford.edu, Version 1.0, May 2012; 2.0, July 2014)

Sinton, Diana ‘Mapping’ Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities https://digitalpedagogy.mla.hcommons.org/keywords/mapping/

Neatline http://neatline.org/

Pelagios http://commons.pelagios.org/

Recogito http://www.pelagios.org/

Storymap https://storymap.knightlab.com/

Palladio http://hdlab.stanford.edu/palladio/

Cover Image Antonio Grosz, Unsplash